net worth

Ask the Readers: How Often Do You Calculate Your Net Worth?

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As we’ve talked about in the past, the best indicator to determine your current financial status is your net worth. If you want to manage your money like the rich, worry more about your net worth than your salary. As professional athletes have taught us, just because you make a lot of money doesn’t mean […]

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3 Ways the Rich Manage Their Money Better than You

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One of the mantras personal finance and development gurus tend to often use is that in order to be rich, you need to act rich. Now, that doesn’t mean that you need to spend like you’re rich without regard to the future. A truly rich person isn’t just about a high salary. If you want […]

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The Superstar Athlete’s Guide to (Mis)managing Your Money

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What would you do with a multi-million dollar a year salary? You’d have it made. Money to spend, cars to buy, houses to invest in. It’d be the life, right? For professional athletes, the fame and accolades that come with the job often end up costing them more than the money they’re pulling in. Here […]

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